October 20, 2010

Challenges: Part One

Lately I've been contemplating all the challenges in my life, and my thoughts always lead back to one question - 'What gets in the way of the accomplishment of my goals?' My list goes something like this:
  1. Weak mind / heart
  2. Fear / cowardice
  3. Self-doubt
  4. Distractions
What gets in your way?

Part Two coming tomorrow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Eh-hem, part two never came...

I like that you challenge your readers to think. Recently, I have found my biggest weakness is over-thinking/worrying about the future and things I have no control over. I guess it's more fear than anything else. I don't think it'll stop me from pursuing my goals, though. It's just something I struggle with.

As for your answers, I'm not sure that you have a weak mind or heart. Don't be too hard on yourself!